Digital Preservation

The preservation of digital records is not a new endeavour taken on by archives across the world, however, preserving digital files pose unique challenges.

The risk of media such as compact discs, digital video discs, flash drives and external hard drives degrading is high, files are reliant on software and hardware to be viewed and read which can quickly become obsolete.

In addition to the risk of digital media, hardware and software becoming obsolete, the volume of files received by the Archives has quickly overshadowed that of paper acquisitions. Devoting appropriate time, therefore, has also become an obstacle to the preservation of the digital content.

In January 2021 the United Church of Canada Archives launched its digital preservation system to help mitigate loss and address some of the media and technological obsolescence issues we face. The system will help us monitor files for degradation and enable us to take action.

Digital preservation, though, is more than just systems and technology. It’s about policies, people, education, strategies and action.

Although there is still a lot of work ahead, The United Church of Canada Archives is committed to fulfill its mandate to preserve the digital records of the General Council Office and the Ontario Regional Councils.

Below you will find digital initiatives being worked on for Communities of Faith, Regional Councils, General Council and private records.

Communities of Faith

Communities of Faith are able to transfer certain digital files to the Archives via compact discs, digital video discs, and flash drive.

The ability to transfer material directly to the Archives is being developed.

Please review the sample retention schedule to gain an understanding of what types of records should be transferred to the archives.

Contact the Archives before transferring any material.

General Council

Traditionally, transfers of digital content to the General Council Archives has been completed via floppy disks, compact discs, digital video discs, flash drives and external hard drives.

In the next few years, digital content will flow from SharePoint into the Archives without the need for the material to be transferred on any media.

Files will be transferred in accordance with the General Council’s Classification and Retention Schedules.

This process does not differ greatly from the process General Council office has been using for paper records.

In addition to the implementation of the above workflow, General Council Archives is currently undertaking a Network Drive Cleanup Project (login required), to ensure files left on the old network drive are transferred to the Archives.

Contact the Archives before transferring any material.

Regional Councils

Workflows and procedures are currently being developed for the transfer and preservation of Regional Council records.

Contact the Archives before transferring any material.

Private and Inter-Church Records

Transfers of private and inter-church digital content to the General Council Archives is completed via compact discs, digital video discs, flash drives and external hard drives.

The ability to transfer material directly to the Archives is being developed.

Web Archiving

Web archiving involves the capturing of certain websites at a specific point in time and preserving and providing access to the captured websites for research purposes.

The United Church of Canada Archives uses Archive-It to accomplish its web archiving tasks.

Archived sites consist of General Council websites that provide information about The Church’s main programs, websites documenting important United Church initiatives, former Conference and presbytery websites, websites produced by KAIROS and Regional Council websites.

The United Church of Canada Archives has 5 main collections on its Archive-It site:

Social media sites are sometimes a challenge to capture. However, the Archives is actively developing a plan to capture General Council social media sites over the next few years.