Archives 101

Below you will find information about how to use the archives, how archives organize their material and information about copyright and restrictions, how to cite archival material and a list of different types of records that are considered archival.

Archival Terminology

Confused by the weird terminology archivists and records managers use? Visit the Archival Terminology page for some information on some often used terms.

Archival Terminology

Citing Archival Sources

This page provides an overview regarding the citation of archival sources. Citing archival sources is important so the Archives can located the sources you’ve used should someone ask.

Citing Archival Sources

Copyright and Restrictions

Researchers may ask why certain material is not available to the public. There are multiple reasons why this may be the case. The Copyright and Restrictions page outlines the major reasons for material restriction.

Copyright and Restrictions


With more and more material available online, users often wonder why archivist’s don’t just digitized everything and put it online. There are many reasons we cannot do this. Check out Why Don’t Archives Digitize Everything?


What do Archivists do?

A short guide to archivists work and the steps the files undergo to become available.

What do Archivists Do?